DUI News


PO Box 15534
Augusta GA 30919





DUI Success Stories
DUI Reduced to Lesser Offense

Client was charged with DUI. Blood test results were .162. After motions hearings a resolution was reached reducing the DUI to a lesser offense due to issues with the evidence, and client pled guilty to the reduced charge.

Under 21 Charged with DUI, Charges Reduced

Client under 21 years of age charged with DUI. Minor in Possession of Alcohol, and Disorder Conduct. Results of breath test were .03. Prior to motions hearings and through negotiations, the DUI was reduced to a lesser charge based on issues with the evidence. Client pled no contest to the reduced charge and the other charges were dismissed.

Contributing to Deprivation of a Minor – Found Not Guilty

Client was charged with Contributing to the Deprivation of a Minor. We were unable to resolve the case through negotiations prior to trial. Case went to jury trial and client was found not guilty.

Felony Drug Offense Sentence Reduced to Probation

Client was charged with felony drug offense. Client was also on probation for prior felony drug offense and was facing three years in prison based on the probation revocation. Due to circumstances in the case and through negotiations with the prosecutor, the probation officer, and the court, client was sentenced to probation for five year.

DUI & Failure to Maintain Lane Reduced to Lesser Charge

Client was charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. Blood test results were .150. Based on testimony at the motions hearings a resolution was reached reducing the DUI to a lesser charge and client pled no contest to reduced charge.

Furnishing Alcohol to Underage Persons Case Dismissed

Client was charged with Furnishing Alcohol to Underage Persons. Several others were also charged with alcohol offenses and were sentenced pursuant to a pretrial diversion program. Client maintained her innocence and prepared to go to trial. Prior to trial a resolution was reached dismissing the case.

DUI Case Reduced to Lesser Charge by Travis Saul

Client was charged with DUI. Breath test results were .12. After motions hearings the DUI was reduced to a lesser charge due to evidentiary issues and client pled guilty to the lesser charge.

Travis Saul Negotiates Lesser Charge for DUI

Client was charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. Case was scheduled for motions hearings and we hired an expert to testify at the hearings. Due to evidentiary issues a resolution was reached through negotiation allowing the client to enter a guilty plea to a lesser charge.

DUI Case Results in Hung Jury

Client was charged with DUI. Breath test results were .16. After motions hearings, the case went to jury trial resulting in a hung jury.

DUI Case Reduced to Lesser Charge

Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence of alcohol and prescription medications. After motions hearings and based on evidentiary issues, a resolution was reached allowing the client to enter a guilty plea to a lesser charge.

Prior case results are not a guarantee or promise of a similar result in future cases, but we will strive to achieve the best result possible in your case.