About Travis Saul, DUI Attorney & Former DUI Prosecutor
Travis Saul is an experienced trial attorney specializing in the aggressive defense of persons charged with DUI and other criminal offenses. Prior to entering private practice, he was a DUI prosecutor for over five years, prosecuting people for DUI, other misdemeanors and traffic offenses. Now, he represents and defends people charged ...Read More
Drunk Driving Penalties
Just because you have been charged with DUI does not mean you are guilty. Often, in fact, people charged by a police officer with committing DUI are not guilty of DUI. Under our laws and Constitution we are presumed innocent and remain innocent unless the prosecution proves guilt beyond all reasonable ...Read More
DUI & Failure to Maintain Lane Reduced to Lesser Charge
Client was charged with DUI and Failure to Maintain Lane. Blood test results were .150. Based on testimony at the motions hearings a resolution was reached reducing the DUI to a lesser charge and client pled no contest to reduced charge.